The army guards have gone from here.
Therefore I request that the army guards be removed.
Now the army guards came unexpectedly to our support and made efforts to soften up the cloakroom attendant.
This thief seemed to walk through walls, right past the best police and army guard they had to offer.
From the distance to which he and other journalists had been restricted by army guards, Hasken couldn't hear a word.
Also, Underwood noticed, two cars of army guards, Noy's personal security force, were on hand to flank him for the drive into the city.
Even if it was restricted, an army guard doesn't shoot visitors on sight.
He could also see no sign of any human presence, no armed Ethiopian army guards.
An army guard, in olive-green uniform with a red star on his hat, was delighted to have the chance to talk to an American tourist.
The army guard had barely finished when the partisan screamed his conunand.