On December 30, 2005 the Lebanese army dismantled two other Katyusha rockets found in the border town of Naqoura, an action suggesting increased vigilance following PM Saniora's angry remarks.
She watched as armies of laborers dismantled the Heighliner piece by piece.
October 25 Settlers destroyed Muslim graves and 80 Palestinian cars during a riot against the IDF, as the army dismantled a new settlement near Hebron.
A5 Israel Takes Down Outposts The Israeli army dismantled two uninhabited settlement outposts in the West Bank in what defense officials said was the start of a campaign to take down more than 20 illegal encampments.
Francisco de Montejo and his army dismantled the Mayan structures that were there and used the stone to build a cathedral and other buildings that still surround the Plaza Grande.
In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment.
In another sign of conciliation, the army last week dismantled a monument to Stalin outside its capital mess hall, saying the decision had been made by the political directorate, "taking account of the population's demands," according to the official newspaper, Unen.
The agreement did not last long though; in December 1223, an army from Aleppo, fearing the onset of the Fifth Crusade, destroyed all the defenses and dismantled the citadel.
The culmination of the empire's military disintegration under the Angeloi was reached on 13 April 1204, when the armies of the Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople and dismantled the Byzantine Empire.
On Dec. 19, the army had dismantled a larger illegal settlement inside Hebron itself.