Truly it is not easy to divine what that army may become at last.
Below, he was surprised by how scattered both armies had become.
However, Alexander and his army had become such an object of fear in their eyes that he decided to charge them across the river.
The army was becoming more closely involved in politics, setting a pattern that continued after independence.
If the army is slowly becoming more Ukrainian, it has deteriorated in almost every other way.
The army became professionalized and the emergence of the national army.
In any case the French army had, by 1851, become accustomed to changes of regime, so that many may have thought one more would make little difference.
Hezbollah's attack exposed just how degraded Israel's army had become.
As the country suffered, the police and army became estranged.
His large and powerful army had become little more than an assembly of lethargic bodies.