But, as it was, our army attacked them, beat them out of the town, and put them to flight.
The army couldn't beat the undead without the help she was unable to give.
A well-disposed and well- trained army a third their strength would beat the Barbarians anytime.
A properly trained army can beat the legions.
The army then beat a hasty retreat, pledging that in the event ground combat should develop, the networks could handle their own filming.
Cupua and TarantoRalpha's armies beat Michael's at both of those.
The royal army coming up with them here, they beat it and killed their general.
Under ordinary conditions, Uther's army could beat Gorlois's men into submission.
How the struggle availed, especially when black Haitian armies beat white French and British ones.
So now I know how their armies fight and how to beat them.