Still, the most contested part of the arms buildup has been the work on incapacitating chemicals.
The arms buildup of the first Reagan term has given way to flat or declining Pentagon budgets as Congress struggles to cut Federal budget deficits.
"Were we to do that, confidence would crumble in Central Europe, leading to a search for security by other means, including costly arms buildups and competition among neighbors."
Iran's increasingly aggressive behavior and arms buildup has prompted the United States to augment its naval presence in the Persian Gulf as a counterweight.
Vice President Bush today called for continuing support for military spending, arguing that the Reagan Administration's arms buildup had pushed the Soviet Union toward domestic reform.
It was intensifying pre-election maneuvering by both sides last year - including arms buildups and troop movements - that led to Mr. Hun Sen's coup.
Leland was assassinated because he interfered with the Quai D'Orsay's arms buildups and exports.
At most, as Lettow asserts but does not prove, Reagan's arms buildup forced the Soviet Union to cry uncle.
The Review opined again and again against the arms buildup of the Woodrow Wilson administration, conducted under the slogan of "Preparedness."
Instead, he handpicked a whitewasher who dutifully filibustered past the election, ultimately condemning Congress for the arms buildup of Saddam Hussein.