The 101/ Airborne assault commander wanted to be gone in three hours, at least an hour before he estimated that the Iraqis could put together an armored assault.
That's why the armored assault and heavy weapon platoons will start in along the road ten minutes before we come in.
The Russian armored assault was over.
Without coordinated air support or modern antitank weapons, both of which the Kurds lack, the 30-minute drive from here to Sulaimaniya is almost indefensible against armored assault.
They're the only places that have lost backup and have had armored assaults with flamethrowers.
A few miles away, along the road to the village of Tovarnik, several Croatian policemen appeared to be taking a more fatalistic attitude to the possible armored assault.
"What d'you think is happening here, an armored assault or a Shakespeare festival?"
Although Weidling tried desperately to stem the Russian armored assaults, the 56th Corps front could not hold.
This principle was later used by Medieval European armies, as well as modern armed forces, which have adapted the V-shaped wedge for armored assault.
This broad ranging Cold War project's objective was to develop advanced weapon systems to destroy a Soviet armored assault across the West German border.