But how well would Mr. Keen sleep if he were a police officer exposed to one of those armor-piercing bullets?
Mr. Awetha survived but three children in his car were shot in the head with armor-piercing bullets.
These rifles, which fire an armor-piercing bullet the same size as the military's 50-caliber machine gun, are accurate up to a mile.
Also present is a Luftwaffe general, prostrate, shot through the foot with an armor-piercing bullet the day before.
The field can easily protect Hardware from armor-piercing bullets, energy blasts, and even small explosions at close range.
The gunner was armed with an Uzi, but it didn't help him when a stream of armor-piercing bullets opened up his chest.
Like legislation the Assembly has passed in previous years, the bill would ban armor-piercing bullets and puts stricter controls on legal gun sales.
Alone at the base, she dreamed of armor-piercing bullets.
With the armor-piercing bullets 7N31 the gun punches 8 mm of steel (15-20 meters of distance).
The 14.5 mm armor-piercing bullet had a muzzle velocity of 1012 m/s.