The army was in the midst of reorganizing their armor units into large tank corps, adding to the disorganization.
Azeri forces were unable to halt advances made by Armenian armor units and nearly all died defending the area.
He commanded an armor unit in Germany before coming here a year and a half ago.
When the buildings drop, the armor units should be able to break out to the MLR.
The first heavy armor units in the German Army were the 501st and 502nd heavy tank companies, founded 16 February 1942.
All other armor units were deployed at the battalion level.
As commander, you will control the different elements of battle including armor, artillery, infantry, air units and support units, each represented by a playing card.
In 1953, the training of armor units was added.
They are in special forces, infantry, national guard and, most recently, armor units.
"There are Chinese infantry and armor units in the capital already, and they are augmenting rebel troops by the hundreds."