During the next three days, the two travelers passed by a number of armed tribesmen, and saw others on the horizon.
Three armed tribesmen approached, and asked what the boy and the alchemist were doing there.
De Soto sent a man to bring the Chief out, but the man discovered that the lodge was full of armed tribesmen, prepared for battle.
According to some witnesses, Yemeni security forces withdrew from the country's second-largest city, leaving it in the hands of armed tribesmen and protesters.
In Abyan, where government troops and armed tribesmen joined forces the previous night to combat Islamist militants, fighting continued.
Vargas claimed that the company had recently called in the military to protect one of its sites against armed tribesmen.
At a Somali checkpoint armed tribesmen demand the clan affiliations of those seeking passage.
The first war took place after Pakistani soldiers and armed tribesmen invaded the independent state of Kashmir.
In this remote mountainous region abutting Afghanistan, religious fundamentalism has long flourished and heavily armed tribesmen, rather than the central government, have always defined the law.
The heavily armed tribesmen destroyed one army tank stationed near the city's traffic police headquarters, the witnesses added.