Banks and other AIM activists led an armed takeover and occupation of Wounded Knee.
On 1 September 1932, business leaders from Peruvian rubber and sugar industries who had lost land as a result organized an armed takeover of Leticia.
The Rum Rebellion of 1808 was the only successful armed takeover of government in Australian history.
That set the stage for an armed takeover of the capital, Kinshasa.
"Learning Curve" climaxes in the armed takeover of a campus building by African-American students (loosely based on an actual event at Cornell).
The program houses themselves have been controversial ever since Ujamaa house was formed in the wake of an armed takeover of the main student union here in 1969.
This is an armed takeover of the Parliament building, the TV station and perhaps the police headquarters.
On 26 January 1808 Johnston played a key role in the only successful armed takeover of a government in Australia's recorded history, the Rum Rebellion.
The distribution of rum amongst the New South Wales Corps led to the only successful armed takeover of an Australian government.
Kirk didn't worry about an armed takeover, however.