They said their efforts are concentrated now on what they called "armed propaganda," brief visits to villages and urban neighborhoods to spread the word of their cause.
The Tupamaro movement engaged then in political kidnappings, "armed propaganda" and assassinations.
And with five forms of struggle: armed propaganda and agitation, sabotage, selective annihilation, fighting guerrillas and armed strikes.
Terrorist methods often involve armed and illegal coercive propaganda.
The indictment said that as part of their campaign of "armed propaganda," the suspects obtained rifles, shotguns, handguns, bullet-proof armor and explosives.
Adzhalarski also took several successful actions against the armed Serbian propaganda.
According to Dan Berger a relatively sophisticated program of armed propaganda was adopted.
Ivan Naumov had battles not only with the Turkish military, but also with the Serbian armed propaganda.
By the late 1960s, it was engaged in political kidnappings, "armed propaganda" and assassinations.
Later the society's fellows constituted the backbone of the Serbian armed propaganda in Macedonia.