Captain Torr'ghaff and another three armed pirates stood in our path, murder in their eyes.
During the voyage, heavily armed pirates stormed aboard with guns blazing, and captured him and the other nine crew members.
Now he was only miles away from an undoubtedly armed pirate which was acutely aware of his presence.
He was alone in the bow of the first boat now, alone against eight or ten armed and furious pirates.
Skyfire would be needed - in the cove seven more longboats filled with armed pirates and their protector-mages waited for room enough to land.
Six heavily armed pirates opening fire with light calibre weapons before attempting to board the vessel.
'Heavily armed pirates, party of ninety-eight,' the woman said.
The tanker was attacked by 4 armed Somali pirates, 3 PM 5 March, 2011.
Violent, armed pirates robbing crews at sea grab attention-getting headlines.
It was the first successful prosecution of armed pirates in over a century.