More heavily armed infantry then destroyed these isolated positions.
However, even a reduced-depth phalanx proved unstoppable to the lightly armed Persian infantry.
In the pass, the phalanx would have been very difficult to assault for the more lightly armed Persian infantry.
He interspersed lightly armed infantry among his cavalry.
And as I told you that one of these Companies ought to consist of four hundred heavily armed infantry, I will stand on this number.
They could also be detached for use as armed infantry.
Usually only lightly armed infantry could pass through large swampy areas.
Initially, the tanks proved successful against the lightly armed Australian infantry, whose 'sticky bombs' failed to stick due to the humidity.
Irrespective of the attempts to modernize, the majority of Italian army personnel were lightly armed infantry lacking sufficient motor transport.
Important places in Istanbul were occupied by these armed infantries with civilian clothes.