On 19 January 2011, a group photo of him with 100 armed cadres in full camouflage uniform was published in local media, the first of him since the early 1990s.
The Maoists would contain their armed cadres in designated areas and keep their arms in locked storage.
"Political parties also maintain armed cadres to intimidate and, exert power and influence over the rival political activists."
A promise to restrict their troops under international supervision, rather than to have the armed cadres roaming free while the campaign is under way, would go well beyond the commitment for a temporary cease-fire.
The big question is what Prachanda and his armed cadres, who have called for the abolition of the monarchy, will do if a majority of Nepalis choose otherwise.
"Our armed cadres have been under strict instructions not to initiate any act of military hostility," said Hidipo I. Hamutenya, Swapo's information secretary.
This may include 138 armed cadre of DHD-J.
Police sources has claimed that CPI(ML) Janashakti has 200 to 300 armed cadres.
Flanked by hundreds of their armed cadres, they surrounded the Army's fortifications.
The issue of land acquisition for development also created a battle zone like situation in the villages between armed cadres of the ruling CPM and the Maoists.