It would be a priceless victory in the armaments race.
The design was seen as groundbreaking in the armaments race.
Much worse, you fear an armaments race, a building of horrible weapon after horrible weapon, such as mankind has never known and cannot survive.
The modern equivalent of the long war is the burden of the armaments race and the un-English bureaucracy, a legacy of two world wars, that still stifles the country despite a decade of Mrs Thatcher's administration.
Many nations are still opposed to each other; and as confidence lessens an armaments race begins, leaving the hearts of all overcome by fear and trepidation.
Calling it "most urgent" to start to move in the armaments race, Mr. Belonogov said: "The more arms at our disposal, the less secure we are.
The conference passed a resolution declaring that the predictions of the socialist movement made at its international congresses had come true-that the armaments race would lead to a world-wide catastrophe.
He had become involved in an armaments race.
As Gorbachev adviser Aleksandr Yakovlev admitted, "We understood that it was a new stage, a new turn in the armaments race."
We both initiated the nuclear armaments race.