Two of the men at the end slip and stagger forward, arms windmilling until they fall.
Now and again one sprang to his feet with a scream, arms windmilling as he fought invisible demons.
In the end he found himself standing on a single log, his arms windmilling wildly in a futile effort to retain his balance.
In low gravity, and significant coriolis force, Kyu bounced high, her torso twisting and her arms windmilling to maintain orientation before she touched down.
She skidded forward about five feet, her arms windmilling in the air.
Matthew went up forty feet, with his arms and legs windmilling, his scream of terror unheard in the deafening squeals of the elephant.
A dark stain spread across the saboteur's arctics, and he flew backward, his arms windmilling as his nearly lifeless body fought to keep its balance.
He stumbled forward, his arms windmilling as he tried to regain his balance.
Looking down at the top of the west wall, to his right, he saw that gray mannikins were on it, their arms windmilling as they fought.
Padme caught sight of him at the last minute-his arms windmilling frantically-and yanked him free an instant before the engines ignited.