She released the arm vein and Datt stared at his watch, putting the drug into the vein at a steady one c.c. per minute.
If necessary, arm veins can be used.
Hurriedly, he flipped it over, jabbed the extractor into his arm vein, wincing at the sharp pain.
There was no point in fooling with arm veins, not now.
A tourniquet is sometimes wrapped around the upper arm to increase the pressure of the blood in the arm veins and speed up the process.
A health professional inserts a needle into an arm vein and removes about 2 cup (16 fl oz) of blood.
"We noticed that Rebecca Ziegler had a recent venipuncture in one of her arm veins."
Blood is transfused into an arm vein slowly over 1 to 4 hours (except in an emergency when blood is transfused more quickly).
He said he was also injected with a "red-type serum in my right arm vein which turned the body tissue totally red.
There is also less discomfort because contrast material is injected into an arm vein rather than into a large artery in the groin.