Conservative parties arose in opposition to liberals in order to defend aristocratic privilege.
The reformers also tried to introduce equal taxation for all citizens, thus bringing them into conflict with aristocratic privileges.
Islam from the first denounced aristocratic privilege, rejected hierarchy, and adopted a formula of the career open to the talents.
But it is also about the abuse of aristocratic privilege at a time when the middle class was starting to feel entitled.
Social, economic, and land reform is announced along with the cancellation of aristocratic privileges.
The play's denunciation of aristocratic privilege has been characterised as foreshadowing the French Revolution.
It was an aristocratic privilege, but by the 18th century there was a much more global economy, and calico prints started pouring in from India.
Phrenology allowed for self-improvement and upward mobility, while providing fodder for attacks on aristocratic privilege.
A novel type of human excellence was developed which had nothing to do with medieval aristocratic privileges connected to birth and rank.
Legal equality against academic or aristocratic privileges, religious tolerance.