Cohen, on the other hand, likens this argument to the "separate but equal" status rejected in school desegregation cases.
More also rejected the argument that criminal writs of error were authorized by 14 of the Judiciary Act of 1789 (the "All Writs Act").
Some critics also took exception to Moffat's treatment of Irene Adler, arguing that she was sexualised, an argument rejected by others, including Moffat.
'Dangerous argument' He also rejected criticism from the Welsh Secretary Cheryl Gillan, who accused him of pursuing an "isolationist agenda".
Therefore the truly amoral argument would reject morality for non-moral reasons.
That argument, by the way, I am not rejecting; it is a perfectly valid response.
Since the threat of imminent conflict has passed, he has argued that the United States ought to move toward direct talks with Iraq - an argument rejected by the White House.
The appeals contended that the death penalty was applied in a prejudicial manner against blacks, an argument rejected in April by the High Court in a landmark decision.
Central to this debate is the work of Bruno Bleckmann, whose arguments tend to be supported by continental scholars but rejected in part by English-speaking scholars.