After both sides present their arguments, the judge rules.
With no arguments presented against an arguable point, just what is the playwright getting at?
The first, or absolutist argument presented seems the more forceful.
He advertised a reward of 1,000 rupees to those who would refute the arguments presented therein.
The arguments presented in support of the unilateral declaration of independence cover five main aspects.
The briefs disclose that the positions staked out for oral arguments on Monday present the appeals court with a highly unusual situation.
The arguments he presented there were subsequently adopted by Bourguiba in his speeches.
The arguments presented by anti-Stratfordians share several characteristics.
Fodor presents several arguments, of which just two will be cited here, against this thesis:
The arguments presented and the options put forward sometimes, it is true, give a disproportionate place to demagoguery or even to untruths.