Any argument claims to prove something.
Dawkins says the fifth argument claims the necessity of a designer, considering that biological life has complexity which appears designed.
The main argument against the version of 160 stadia claims that it is impossible to walk such a distance in one day.
This argument claims that the government is creating a military that treats women as second-class citizens and not equals of men.
For example, an ethical argument may claim that if a thing has certain properties, then that thing is 'good.'
The argument from design claims that a complex or ordered structure must be designed.
She also sometimes starts arguments with Martin then claims Martin started it when he has retaliated.
The argument for modularity claims that language is localized, domain-specific, mandatory, fast, and encapsulated.
The argument from analogy concedes the first half of this but denies the second, claiming that we have at least some evidence to the contrary.
The sceptical argument therefore claims that you cannot make sense of the idea of a subject of experience other than yourself.