Such arguments are appealing, but must not be carried too far without careful theoretical analysis.
This argument is appealing to anyone who would like to be left alone, saved from the pitches of commerce or politics.
This argument, which at first blush looks like the logical extension of the campaign against racial preferences, will appeal to many voters.
The argument he had given his courier to cast in Minucius' face appealed to the legionary's strong sense of duty.
In addition, my argument will appeal to consequences, to due consideration of whether and how a given interpretation actually promotes this better law.
Some opposition leaders fear that such an argument will appeal to the third or more of the electorate that, according to polls, is undecided.
The argument should have appealed to at least some of the 'soldiers.'
But the old arguments no longer appeal to him-he has a new view- point which perhaps completely contradicts the old.
The other argument appealed to me more: go beddy-bye and wake up in a different world.
Concrete arguments about proofs in such a system almost always appeal to the deduction theorem.