Actually, Steve listened with amusement as Rita earnestly argued with Hunter.
They argued earnestly with Jimmy.
The Shah patted the radar stove, the laundry console, and peered for a moment at the television screen, which showed five persons seated around a conference table, arguing earnestly.
This latter, a sharp-faced outlander whose clothes bore the dust of long miles, was arguing earnestly with Kane.
Thomas Wilson Spence earnestly argued the question in the affirmative; Kirk Ingram in the negative.
"I don't think so, Father," his son argued earnestly.
"I am well aware of that, Your Majesty," Dixter argued earnestly.
In one cluster of youths, an East German visitor argued earnestly that East Germany's main problem was the absence of a middle class to anchor society.
As you might expect, Chaim argued earnestly, warning me not to commit such an affront to the potentate.
She argued earnestly against the probability of any attempt being made; and at last the old man fell silent, chewing his white moustache.