Then, a week before the May 14 election, as the arena proposal was flagging, the governor announced a financing plan for it.
A state superior court judge has ruled that Newark officials acted properly in rejecting petitions calling for a public vote on an arena proposal.
Now, as the Nets once again chase that championship season, the arena proposal is also trying to make a comeback.
Circulating Petition Student leaders were particularly angry because the arena proposal had not been listed in advance on the agenda for the regents meeting.
"Vancouver lost its chance the day it turned down the referendum on our arena proposal", Smythe said.
It was not clear whether the arena proposal could be brought to a vote in both chambers on Monday, the legislature's last day.
For one thing, the council members had remained silent as the arena proposal endured rough handling from the State Legislature over the last two years.
This arena proposal makes good sense.
On November 3, the results of the referendum were announced, and the arena proposal was rejected by 54% of voters.
Mr. James said the arena proposal was "still very much alive."