There are many other protected areas situated around Hurulu Forest Reserve viz.
The park consists of a 330 acre (1.3 km2) natural area situated amidst the watershed of the Obion River.
During mid-winter, strong areas of high pressure often situate themselves over the Great Basin, leading to strong temperature inversions.
It is continuous behind with a flattened triangular area, the trigonum collaterale, situated between the posterior and inferior cornua.
An area situated between the cathedral square and the lake was chosen by Iona Sysoevich as a place for his fairy-tale residence.
The area situates on a plain surrounded by hills at its north and south.
The area that surrounds Pontelandolfo has a wide range of altitudes (400-1,017 meters), with the center of population situated at 525 meters.
In medieval times, the area situated north of the city was used as pasture.
Carradale Harbour (and the surrounding area), situated at the end of the B879.
This area of the township situated below the escarpment was commonly referred to as the Gore of Ancaster.