An attacker may use only the dark areas of the board, the defender only the light areas.
Enemy territory is that area of the board within one-move range of opposing forces.
It may indicate either a natural pause in the sequence, or a disagreement as to the importance of an area of the board.
The object of the game is to use one's stones to surround a larger total area of the board than the opponent.
The game involves players attempting to capture The Doctor's enemies by collecting tokens from various areas of the board.
These are affected by the areas of the board that the player lands into before graduating from high school or college.
This enables the monitoring of all areas of the board, even those hidden in one direction by other components.
In cases of heavy decorative inlay, the effective vibrational area of the sound board may be reduced.
"Our plan didn't patronize the areas of the board he wanted," she said.
The area of the metropolitan board became the County of London in 1889.