There is still a large area of marshland northwest of the town, which has always been subject to flooding, such as in 1947, 2000 and 2007.
Located close to an area of flooded marshland and mud-flats, in 2007 its population was estimated to be 300.
It was established in 1997 and restored large areas of marshland.
As the name suggests, it includes an area of marshland, but also a wet alder valley wood.
In the case of the former position, only an area of marshland separated the forces.
Continuing eastbound the route continues through an area of marshland, and passes a large cemetery.
At that time there were big areas of marshland that are now viable pasture.
Work initially focused on creating the lake from an area of marshland.
The area devoted to energy use is very small compared to the areas of marshland used in forestry and agriculture.
It contains the Three Mills and areas of marshland.