The town was so named in the 1920s because of two area merchants, who reminded locals of the comic strip characters.
When the Pavilion closed in 2006 after 58 years, area merchants wanted an attraction to replace it.
And sales representatives, who were paid by the amount of business they solicited from area merchants, could earn as much as $70,000 a year.
"I thought those things were donated by area merchants."
Robert Peter, an early area merchant in the tobacco trade, became Georgetown's first mayor in 1790.
The project is part of a community development plan created by the school in tandem with residents, area merchants and city officials.
The proposal angered local area merchants and residents, who formed a petition to halt the project.
Shopping & dining at area merchants approximately 2 miles (3km)
His activities included loansharking, illegal gambling and protection money from area merchants.