Eastern Slavonia, a 850-square-mile sliver bordering Yugoslavia, is a valuable grain-producing area and oil region flanking the Danube River, a vital transport link.
This subspecies is found in the mountainous areas flanking the Sichuan Basin from the west and north.
The area flanking the western shore of Verbano (or Lago Maggiore) forms the eastern part of the province; Cusio (or Lago d'Orta) and its environs form the southern part; while the north and east of the province consists of the Ossola, a region of Alpine mountains and valleys.
The dark areas flanking Hesperia Planum were found to be heavily cratered uplands.
In the geoclimatic zones system used by the British Columbia Ministry of Forests the bulk of the region comprises the Coastal Western Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone, although small areas flanking the Strait of Georgia at the coast's southern extremity are classed in the Coastal Douglas-fir zone.
The hypostyle hall leads into the Great South Court, a huge open area flanking the south side of the pyramid, with a section of wall featuring a frieze of cobras.
Both areas flanking Trowulan, the Majapahit capital; Daha in the west and Kahuripan in the east.
On the final day, we drove about 30 miles to our biking destination, the area flanking the Combahee River between Yemassee and White Hall plantation ("Forrest Gump," though set in Alabama, was filmed on a private plantation nearby).
Daniel A. Biederman, executive director of the Bryant Park Restoration Corporation, a private agency overseeing the project, said that the restaurant group chosen was one of eight vying for the rights to develop two 175-seat restaurants planned for the area flanking the William Cullen Bryant Monument behind the New York Public Library.