They were indicated on the plans of the area drawn by military architect Joseph de Haüy in 1687.
A map of the area drawn in 1755 shows a house on the site.
Many of Louisville's early 20th Century elite lived in the area, drawn there by the large, undeveloped parcels of land near downtown.
The population includes many migrants from other areas drawn by the tourist business.
We've had computer analyses of the star and the surrounding area drawn from the data banks of the survey craft which listed the system.
New industry has also found the area, drawn by a culture, fostered by the Amish and Mennonites, of hard work and dependability.
Membership is widely spread throughout the area covered and drawn from all walks of life.
Davao City is one of several areas outside Manila where call center companies have been venturing, drawn by lower labor costs and large numbers of available workers.
In the late 1850's, hundreds of Irish immigrants moved to this area, drawn by the promise of work on a railroad project that ultimately failed.
Consonant with motion perception, there appears to be a constellation of areas drawn upon for color perception.