Until the 1970s, the area had borne the reputation of being a haven for the destitute and the wandering.
He said the areas south of 96th Street had not borne their share.
The area bears traces of settlers since around 2000 BC.
The area around the shoulders often bears a patch of fur with a slightly ochre or salmon color.
Now a large area on both sides of the Nullah bears the name Tollygunge.
Gangs still cause problems, but the area bears a vibrant immigrant thumbprint now.
A poster was fixed to every pillar box in the affected areas bearing the number of the district and appealing for the public's co-operation.
This area also bears a posh residential area for Kannur.
Forever, the area would bear the name "Pennellville."
This arrangement was eliminated in 1862 when a new alignment was built, but the whole area still bears the name Kopfstation.