If even the most arduous labor was looked upon benevolently, it would offer countless rewards.
Besides the arduous labors that the organization of these national institutions entailed, Wise was active in many other ways.
"The arduous labor began to wear down Davidson," Morrison writes.
These he took to be the quarters of the black slaves, who performed all the arduous and menial labor connected with the palace.
Now it was time to harvest the fruits of their arduous labor.
They both appeared to be exhausted, which in view of their arduous labours was not to be wondered at.
But it was only after two hours of arduous labor that the secrets of the catacombs were completely revealed.
After weeks of arduous labor, hardly eighteen years old, she became ill and it seemed that her lungs had been damaged.
Again was all my arduous labor gone for naught.
It took us a long time to reach the carcass, and arduous labor to remove the great pelt.