Jammes was known to have an ardent passion for field sports, especially game hunting.
He has been doing business with an ardent passion lately, shaking the givers out of the political money tree.
Discretion, secrecy, and fidelity, were the laws she imposed, and never did I experience a more ardent passion from woman.
Since you're obviously a young man of ardent passions, perhaps I'll have a chance to show you personally what I mean - and sooner than you think.
An unhappily married 26-year-old woman developed an ardent passion for a married doctor who attended her abortion.
Being good at being Edgler Vess requires, among other qualities, the ability to repress his most ardent passions when indulgence in them is dangerous.
But he held to her and helped her through until she cried out his name in ardent passion, shattering her remaining fears and restraints.
You are a creature of ardent passions; we have but to find the key.
The scenes of that initiation in the girl's bedroom find a lovely balance between ardent passion, comic bumbling, joy (his) and silent disappointment (hers).
She had been an ardent passion.