Alpha Ceti was surveyed by one of the earliest probes: their data wasn't always completely reliable, and some of the archival preservation has been pretty sloppy.
Since 1976, he has operated BB Optics, an optical printing service specializing in 8 mm blow-ups and archival preservation for independent filmmakers, libraries, museums and archives.
Recognizing the historical significance of the case, Mr. Freeh said, agents in Oklahoma City began collecting all records from the case for archival preservation.
Within the context of archival preservation, the custodians of architectural records must consider many aspects of identification and care when managing the artifactual nature of these materials.
The interior was extensively rebuilt in 2008-2010 to add climate controls suitable for archival preservation of the collection on display.
However the suitability of a PDF file for archival preservation depends on options chosen when the PDF is created.
This may include classifying, storing, securing, and destruction (or in some cases, archival preservation) of records.
Chhandayan's service focuses primarily on education, resources, archival preservation, and research.
Richard Berner of the University of Washington proposed a single records management-archives goal: "responsible records use and administration leading to either authorized destruction or archival preservation and administration."
Usually this is achieved through a deed of gift, which also establishes copyright ownership that is critical for publication and archival preservation.