Artists, meanwhile, have been cast as free, creative spirits, as if architecture required their intervention to become a fully imaginative form of public art.
It was a valid point in the 1970s when more complex architectures such as the B5000 required too many transistors to fit on a single chip.
Typical architectures require multiple operators for each data type, for example add.
This architecture requires no hardware change to the STB design.
This is because a service-oriented architecture usually spans multiple business areas and requires considerable initial analysis.
The popular architecture of the time required massive stone foundations and did not allow for large windows.
The Guggenheim's eccentric architecture required that the building and the installation be seen as one.
In these situations, the architecture usually allows, but does not require that contributions be moderated.
Great architecture requires a great architect and a great client.
Lacking metal tools, Mesoamerican architecture required one thing in abundance: manpower.