The program was so successful that McMurdo Station, ugly though it is from an architectural standpoint, is neat and tidy.
The new courthouse was an impressive building from an architectural standpoint, but also provided much-needed improvements in security, including large fire-proof vaults.
STEVE: It might be that the cache is between, from an architectural standpoint, it's sort of moot.
What is most interesting about the houses from an architectural standpoint, however, is not their physical form, which is appealing but hardly exceptional esthetically.
From an architectural standpoint, some of what has already been built is boring.
From an architectural and engineering standpoint, very.
This is true from an architectural standpoint, but not an economic one.
I mean, this is hugely sweeping from an architectural standpoint.
So builders and architects are trying to reduce the mass from an architectural standpoint.
From an architectural standpoint, the location is noteworthy because this is the heart of Palladio country.