The period of architectural modernism, especially in the 1950's and 60's, was surely such a time.
Grounds, who developed an interest in the Bauhaus and architectural modernism, was a leader of the modernist movement who had broken away from its principles.
Today the Loos House, recently refurbished, is generally praised as a milestone of architectural modernism.
The development of the housing designs for the estate coincided with the emergence of architectural modernism in Australia.
By the postwar years the aesthetic of architectural modernism had taken hold.
The University's Cornett Building is an acclaimed example of architectural modernism on the campus.
These ideas reinstated that architectural modernism did not recognize any social or cultural differences amongst people, apart from merely a climatic difference.
Without completely disappearing, the practice declined with the advent of architectural modernism around 1940.
The entire movement of German architectural modernism was known as Neues Bauen.
By the mid-1980s, architectural modernism had faded in Bangkok; this building is one of the last examples of the style.