For once, an architectural imagination soars to the level of the highest civic hopes.
But it helps immensely to see the architectural imagination at work in a design that captures the lure of faraway places.
Burges's contribution, in particular his research into the history of the castle and his architectural imagination, was critical to the transformation.
And the project's modest initial budget, roughly $165 million, seemed to leave little room for the architectural imagination to flourish.
Fewer still haunt the architectural imagination with such force.
The building was devoid of decoration or even a trace of architectural imagination.
There is no excuse, however, to set limits on architectural imagination.
If the Paradisians were short on building materials they certainly weren't bereft of architectural imagination.
Must we have yet another case in which public art provides a fig leaf to cover failures of the social and architectural imaginations?
The Guggenheim Museum has always been problematic as a display space, but it is triumphant as a work of architectural imagination.