For its part, Avalon has spent $6.5 million since 1991 on legal costs, architectural and engineering fees, and purchase of the property.
This building was built by the Richardson family and was not charged an architectural or design fee.
The architectural fees range from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on the size of the project.
Avalon's costs for land acquisition, architectural, legal and engineering fees have exceeded $6 million.
Not included in the $360 million estimate are costs for land acquisition, bonds, architectural fees and site preparation.
The additional $90 million includes architectural and engineering fees and construction management expenses.
By designing everything themselves, they were able to eliminate architectural fees, and they also acted as their own general contractors.
The greenhouse was $30,000 to construct; architectural and expediter fees were thousands more.
The process costs about $35,000, mainly for legal and architectural fees, and can take up to two years.
Construction, including architectural fees, equipment, and furnishings, came to $1,754,187, around $45,000 less than expected.