This renovation includes architectural enhancements, structural renovations, replacement of HVAC systems, roof repair, and new carpeting.
At the end of the year we will release 3.0 which will have some major architectural enhancements.
Intel introduced the Pentium processor, which featured some important architectural enhancements over the 486, while AMD and Cyrix were still making 486s.
Besides the decorative benefit, roof plantings may provide food, temperature control, hydrological benefits, architectural enhancement, habitats or corridors for wildlife, and recreational opportunities.
I've got those," says the actress, who admits to an eyelid tuck but no other architectural enhancements.
Lighting balloons can be used for highlighting events, the motion picture industry, nightworks, rescue, safety, and architectural enhancement, or any place that requests light and can not accept regular lighting systems.
Stephen Deering is a former Fellow at Cisco Systems, where he worked on the development and standardization of architectural enhancements to the Internet Protocol.
Not every improvement to a core can be seen from a top-level diagram, and there are some additional architectural enhancements that I'll cover here.
They make a fine architectural enhancement.
'We will introduce Intel-compatible parts first and then offer versions that feature proprietary architectural enhancements,' the company says.