The last significant architectural addition was in 1990.
Wilkinson Eyre described the pavilion as a "bold architectural addition" which signalled "the presence of a new important cultural attraction within the city".
Most of Dartmouth's buildings are designed in the Georgian style, a theme which has been preserved in recent architectural additions.
The original Parker House building and later architectural additions were demolished in the 1920s and replaced with an entirely new building.
Paris was already built up and so rather than engaging in major architectural additions, they simply renovated the interiors of the existing buildings.
There was a restoration carried out in the thirteenth century, but the resulting architectural additions are of a lower quality visible to the naked eye.
Their architectural additions included surrounding the castle with imposing Guelph-Ghibelline style battlements and building a central tower.
Currently, in the year 2010, there have been notable architectural additions to the city of College Park, Maryland.
One of those architectural additions, a spire was removed in the mid-20th century.
This is especially the case in substructures, hidden under later architectural additions.