These architects, most of whom are in their early 30's, have responded to architectural problems with formal inventiveness and yet with great respect for tradition.
If the architect immediately responds with a design without learning the details of the clients' desires and requirements, he will likely alienate them.
Twenty architects responded with plans, several of which were published in contemporary architectural periodicals.
The architect responded by producing 'the handsomest barn in England'.
Indeed, as a whole, the show is perhaps most valuable as a demonstration of the many ways in which contemporary architects respond to the past.
"The architects have responded with great depth to the question, 'What does Sept. 11 represent?' "
ONE prominent architect, a man, responded when told that I was writing about her.
Local architects who had always looked askance at Mollino's work responded as if they'd found a smoking gun.
The program examines how architects and planners have responded to evolving social demands compared to their counterparts in the West.
The "unrepentant" architects responded that they had provided what they had been asked to provide.