An architect with considerable experience in museum projects, Chad Floyd of Centerbrook Architects and Planners in Essex, Conn., is preparing the design.
The architects have also prepared a lateral expansion plan for the hospital, bringing it up to the line of the F.D.R. Drive.
The chosen architects will prepare the broad, overall design known as a schematic.
Although Kahn completed the design, and a local architect prepared the documents needed for construction, the memorial was never built, the victim of a city fiscal crisis.
The Archsoft Corporation of Mill Valley, Calif., has a desktop system to help architects prepare animated fly-through tours of buildings they have designed but not built.
Brisbane's architect, Emery Roth, had prepared plans for a Ritz Tower with its first 18 stories rising straight up from Park Avenue.
The architects of the shopping center, Levien Deliso Songer of Queens, have prepared several designs and Zirinsky Associates has not chosen one.
He looked swallowed up in his desk chair, from which he instantly launched into a practiced speech: "An architect must prepare himself for a world that can be very perverse.
Inside dusty pavilions, national pride is already astir as architects, engineers, designers and craftsmen busily prepare the image that their countries will show to the world.
The architect of the renovation, John Belle, has prepared himself for preservationists' objections.