Local historians, archaeologists, and architects agreed to the monastery's demolition, although reluctantly.
But there was one small hitch: the architect and the client had still not agreed on what they were building.
Not all architects agree with the leave-it-alone approach.
That a solution requires the chief architect of those settlements to agree to their withdrawal may seem to guarantee failure.
But the architect had agreed with her that it would make the room much lighter and in the end Matthew had assented.
At Maser the patron and the architect agreed on a centralised building closely following classical models.
If your architect will agree to these modifications, the panel will recommend granting the permit.
Even the welfare state's architect would have agreed that people need to take responsibility for the number of children they have Continue reading...
The architect agreed to use the system after the test outperformed specifications.
Charles and the modern architects agree on the urgency of environmental concerns.