The architects have also added storefrontlike windows facing the street.
I think an architect doing an architecture school adds an obligation.
To this heady symbolic stew, the architect added his own imagery.
The architect, taking this as an insult to his planning ability, added a single extra brick to the request.
In 1996, architects had preserved the remains of the home and added additional spaces to make it a contemporary art exhibition space.
In 1881-82 the same architects carried out work at the east and west ends of the church, and added a central tower.
As a result, the architect added a stronghold in the basement.
In 1939 the same architects added a vestry and offices to the church.
The same architect later added an enclosure (1887) and garden (1896-98).
During restoration the architects added details that were unavailable 40 years before, as the technology simply did not exist.