They recount an archetypal story of derring-do, fortitude and resignation: the stuff of a thousand melodramatic movies and Boys' Own adventure novels.
Her life embodied an archetypal American story of humble origins, years of struggle, family tragedy and artistic triumph.
They almost take away the hoary, cliched feeling of the archetypal story of the suffering artist.
You use more of that than anything, especially in a musical, where rule No. 1 is an archetypal story.
In "Moulin Rouge," that archetypal story isn't about suburban witches but the myth of Orpheus.
It is an archetypal American story of social mobility, race and black-on-black violence.
They were clearly the elements of the ancient archetypal story, The Lad Who Persevered.
According to Kring the show is based on the idea of inter-connectivity and global consciousness that utilizes narrative and big archetypal stories to display positive messages throughout the world.
This arrangement also allows onnagata, actors devoted to playing female roles, to take part in this most popular of dramatic archetypal stories.
St. Stephen, forgiving those who stoned him to death, is the archetypal story of the literal imitation of Christ.