The digging focused on three separate areas adjacent to the wall, in which nine archeological layers were discovered - covering from the Iron age up through the Turkish period.
This was embarrassing, because the whole interior was strewn with books, papers, food wrappers, cassettes and miscellaneous garbage, those archeological layers of stuff that we all accumulate as we drive around the Island.
It had the same feel as Cordelia's own room in her mother's apartment, of frequent and prolonged disoccupation, with archeological layers of past passions stuffed into drawers and closets.
There exists dispersion from 450 to 50 thousand years in dating because of inaccuracy of Azerbaijani archeologists concerning archeological layer in which the lower jaw was found out.
They are found in the same archeological layer as an elephant of the extinct genus Stegodon.
Their endeavours were crowned by success because at the base of the archeological layer they found a tomb with human remains.
One large scale excavation was carried out in 1974-76, while test borings in 1984-87 indicated that some of the archeological layers extend far into the lake.
As visitors moved through the maze space they left behind archeological layers of virtual information genes in the form of text, video and audio.
Although the focus is pre-eminently on Salisbury Plain and its environs - which is indeed a rich field of archeological layers - an event need not happen there in order to figure as an episode.
Twelve epochs of Jewish, Christian and Moslem civilization are accessible in an intriguing walking route down, across and through 25 archeological layers.