It was the entrance to a low arched tunnel some four feet high.
The street ran beneath the wall in an arched tunnel.
An arched tunnel gave upon another balcony, which overlooked a chamber even larger than the first: a refectory.
Her voice rang through the arched tunnel and into the courtyard beyond.
He found a sort of arched tunnel under the leaves.
In the 1930s, the arched tunnels were removed to accommodate double decker trams.
Half a dozen moving sidewalks surrounded the central display, each running into a different arched tunnel leading away from the complex.
Between it and its neighbour was an arched tunnel, narrower than the stretch of the young girl's arms.
Shaftoe follows the old fellow down the black, arched tunnel of the porte-cochere.
Presently they were going through an elaborately arched tunnel with the noise of the crowd left behind them.