Above the entrance roadway and the soldiers' barrack block are arched structures (looking a bit like tall, thin bridges) attached to the rock face.
For arched structures, the panels are fed into a forming machine, which curves them.
This was used to make arched and domed structures.
An arched structure resembling an aircraft hangar has since been built to protect the exposed soldiers and horses in Vault 1 from the weather.
It was known that an arched structure was stronger than a flat plate and so a large circular flue tube was placed inside the boiler shell.
The monumental entrance at the eastern side was one of the most magnificent and arched structures of the Hellenistic era.
The reinforced-concrete open-spandrel arched structure was completed in 1923.
The entranceway is within a two-story arched structure with columns on each side, above which is a large rose window.
Each water-borne hull is subdivided into multiple watertight compartments connected by an arched bridging structure with a central forward hull above the smooth water line.
This five arched wooden structure is considered a symbol of Western Honshū.