Inside was an immense arched gallery that stretched the full width of the house, a wide curved staircase and baronial fireplace.
The museum consists of a large arched gallery in which sides are exhibited several statues, sarcophaguses and friezes.
The nave is covered by barrel vaulting and has an upper, arched gallery (triforium).
The access to the pulpit is done through an arched gallery with a staircase.
Behind the Bierkeller was an arched gallery which was closed with concrete by the Americans after the war.
The main façade of the Hospital had an arched gallery with buttresses in its ground floor.
Later, the basilica was built up with arched galleries (narthexes).
The second storey of the central aisle has an arched gallery (triforium), and the crossing is topped by a dome.
Old pictures show the façade of the Hospital to consist of a long building with an arched gallery.
They were searching a series of arched galleries water-carved in sandstone cliff.